The past couple of weeks have been busy as I put together and delivered my first masterclass sharing tools & techniques from my SHE framework that I have used on myself and with my clients to empower them to become the best version of themselves and reach their full potential.
So what does the acronym of SHE stand for you may ask? Apart from being quite fitting and catchy for my women’s coaching business it also stands for…
Self, Healthy, & Empowered living.
My motivation for the framework I have created was my diagnosis of Premature Ovarian Insufficiency (POI) around this time last year. This condition has affected not only my physical health, but also my emotional and mental health. For a long time, the diagnosis brought up buried feelings of not being enough & unworthy which stemmed from my experiences of childhood trauma. I also have Lupus which could also have been a contributing factor in my diagnosis, but rather than let these conditions define me I have empowered myself by embarking on a journey of self-inquiry and transformation to heal myself from within.
In doing so I have taken control of my life and my health and even though I may never have children I will continue to ensure that I look after ME as I learn to value & accept who I AM, just as I AM.
Our own SELF-ACCEPTANCE is so so important on our journey to creating our sense of SELF-WORTH which was one of the topics in the 3 Day Masterclass.
During the 3 days it was no surprise to see that our ability to accept ourselves despite our flaws was a common theme that people struggled with.
One thing I’ve realised is that we are our own worst enemy when it comes to listening to our self-limiting beliefs which then prevent us from self-acceptance of who we are.
The story’s we tell ourselves about not being worthy enough, or good enough or loveable enough, or beautiful enough, or interesting enough….the list goes on, these are in fact false B.S information that our subconscious has stored from needs that haven’t been met or by other people’s opinions.
These are not our truths, but we give them so much power.
If this sounds about right for you, can you instead start to show yourself some compassion and kindness, as well as some appreciation for where you are today even if it’s not quite where you had hoped to be! Learn to CELEBRATE yourself!
Here is one way you can start the process of reframing your narrative.
How about turning your thoughts of being…
not worthy enough into – it’s not my fault I wasn’t recognised for the amazing person I am. I am WORTHY & DESERVING of the very best!
not good enough into - it’s not my fault I was told I was rubbish at xxxxx and started to believe it as nobody told me otherwise. I know I am MORE than good enough!
not loveable enough into - it’s not my fault I was rejected and ignored. I LOVE and VALUE myself now and that is all that matters!
Can you see where I am going with this? Ultimately, it is up to us to flip the switch on our mindset and small steps like this can go a long way in reframing our negative self-beliefs that hold us back from living the life that deep down we know we should be living.
However, I know it’s not always that easy, especially when these beliefs have been engrained in some of us for such a long time. Trust me it’s took me 40 years to finally be in a place of accepting who I am warts and all.
Part of my SHE framework that has empowered me to take control of my negative self-beliefs has been Belief Coding®️.
Belief Coding®️ is a quick and easy process that I trained in earlier this year after the huge shifts I began to see from it.
It can help in various areas of your life including health issues, addictions, relationships, unhelpful habits, phobias, mindset and so much more.
Belief Coding®️ uses elements of Psychology, NLP, CBT, EFT, Meditation, Matrix-Reprinting, Emotion Coding, Kinesiology and Energy Healing to safely tap into our subconscious mind to understand where certain thoughts, feelings and beliefs come from. In doing so we can reframe those beliefs by releasing the energetic blocks attached to them that stop us from achieving our full potential in life.
So if you are serious about healing from within and feel ready to get to the root cause of your limiting beliefs and change your narrative so you can show up as the person you know you came here to be then why not book a FREE Discovery call with me to find out more about Belief Coding®️ and other ways I may be able to support you to live a more empowered life rooted in self-belief and self-worth.
Now is your time to RISE sister and I would love to support you to do so!