I support women to awaken and remember who they are using my proven Soulful, Holistic & Empowered (S.H.E) framework which provides the tools to create a more happier, healthier, and purposeful life rooted in self-belief and self-worth.
The S.H.E framework is a mind, body & soul modality that combines Ayurveda, Belief Coding®, Yoga, Meditation, Breathwork, and other holistic healing tools.
My main focus is supporting women who have experienced trauma, or are navigating auto-immune, hormonal, reproductive, fertility, perimenopausal & menopause conditions.
Our sessions together are tailored to meet you exactly where you are and can include all or just some of the elements of my S.H.E framework to empower you to take the required steps towards creating hormonal balance in your life, and reaching your personal goals, your dreams and desires so you can be the best version of yourself.
I take a holistic approach to creating optimal health in all areas of our life and during our time we will address the areas that are affecting your mind, body, energy, career, relationships, lifestyle to name but a few and together we will get to the bottom of the subconscious processes, beliefs, patterns, choices and unhelpful behaviours that are affecting your inner and outer life. In doing so I will support you to release, reframe and re-programme these discomforts so that you can reclaim your power and transform your life.
Book your free discovery call now and we can discuss the different ways we can work together to support you to go from surviving to thriving!
“Natasha is an amazing coach.
I recently participated in her online masterclass.
She totally motivated me and made me aware of techniques like breathing and affirming to think more positively.
The course was stimulating and helped me clear my head and focus. 100% recommended.”
“I am amazed at how my mindset has already changed in last few weeks.
Natasha's talks have been so insightful and helpful for me in so many ways. Firstly for your advice with my low moods and emotional frame of mind. I have taken steps to help with that and I already feel the benefits so far.
I have also taken your advice and have started investing some me time. I’m happy doing the ground work, but I have to say, I wasn’t planning on making any changes until the new year, just setting the intentions.
However I have noticed that I am being much more conscious when making food choices. These changes are only small, but the difference I feel already is incredible. I have so much more energy already and I feeling more productive at work. I can’t remember the last time I had this feeling of accomplishment!!
All thanks to this wonderful mindset / wellness course.
Thank you Natasha from the bottom of my heart! ”
Some of the reasons you might need a coach?
Due to our fast-paced world women are neglecting their health, happiness and ultimately themselves!
So many women complain of feeling stuck, frustrated and disheartened with their current life. Which can lead to a lack of self-worth, esteem & confidence.
What about you?
Do you feel like life is passing you by?
Do find yourself trying to please others at the expense of your own needs?
Do you distract or keep yourself busy with work, food, alcohol, shopping or social media to escape your feelings and emotions?
If this is the case you then you might also find that your health is suffering and may be manifesting in ways such as:
lack of self-belief
constant tiredness & lethargy
stress, anxiety or depression
sleep problems
gut & digestion issues
menstrual, reproductive or menopausal issues
weight issues
physical illness
Sound familiar? Then why not book in for a free discovery call to see how we can work together to get you back to your best self.
You are only ever one decision away from changing your life for the better and I would love to support you back on the path to the best version of you.

“Natasha has helped me to change ideas and wishes into tangible goals which I am well on the way to achieving. Working through various techniques that helped me to focus on what I really wanted to achieve, she gave me lots of encouragement, invaluable advice, information and support. I learned how to challenge myself and more importantly believe in myself and what I am capable of doing. The goal to start my own business I now feel I can. Natasha is very knowledgeable, friendly non judgemental and easy to talk to I would not hesitate to recommend her as a wellbeing and life coach.”
“I have been working with Natasha on her 3 month 1-2-1 wellness programme over the last few weeks.
Natasha is lovely and so easy to talk to, I feel like I can open up and be truthful, something I don't always tell myself!
I have come so far already in my journey of self-discovery and worth, Natasha has given me the tools and knowledge I needed while being on hand for any questions I have.
I was interested in trying this but not sure if it was truly for me, but I am so glad I stepped out my comfort zone and signed up. I have been working to my own pace and focusing on the areas I need to work on with no pressure. I am so looking forward the next few months and seeing where this journey takes me”
Natasha’s vast amount of knowledge and information allows her to be helpful, motivating and empowering in all the classes & workshops she teaches.
She has a very serene manner which makes you feel at ease and calm whenever you’re in a class, on zoom, or over the phone etc.
Natasha has always been a big influence & continues to be while she embarks on this amazing journey as the S.H.E. coach!
To name a few teachings from over the years- Natasha has educated me on yoga, pranayama, meditation, diet, women’s health, detox’s, spirituality, yogic history & much much more!