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Awaken with the Aries New Moon

Tomorrow not only marks the 1st of the month, but also the New Moon in Aries which is one of the most powerful New Moons for new beginnings and setting intentions.

Why? Because Aries is the 1st sign of astrological and Lunar calendar. So under the fiery energies of this Aries New Moon you have the opportunity to ‘reset’ especially if you don't feel the year has started quite the way you had hoped for.

Are there any new projects that you want to start, or perhaps there is something that fell by the wayside during the winter months? If so then this is your second chance of the year to implement changes, it’s time to hit the refresh and renew button.

Try to tune in a little deeper to the inner knowing of your heart and soul to get in touch with what you truly want it. It takes time and practise to learn the difference between the desires of the ego and the soul, but as a guide the voice of the ego tends to be loud and demanding and almost childlike, while the voice of the soul is quiet and calm, literally like a wise old soul.

The trick to this moon is to get very clear on what your deep soul calling is, as opposed to what comes from the ego, what society says, conditioning or fear. Once you can get clear on the true calling of your soul and whispers of your heart, there could not be a better moon under which to align to your deepest guidance, wisdom, truth, and purpose in life.

As it is the start of the Lunar calendar now is the perfect time to set the intention to start working with the moon for the next 12 months. If you would like to know more about how you can do this then I have created a FREE 16 page step by step PDF guide which you can download below.

Inside you will find guidance on the different moon phases, rituals & journal prompts to help you re-connect with yourself, align with your souls’ purpose, manifest your hearts desire and transform your life.

For centuries women have been coming together to celebrate the highs and comfort each other in their lows, and generally strengthen the bonds of sisterhood through conversation and shared experiences.

But as society has become more fragmented, and fast pace with the demands of life , it’s increasingly harder for women to collectively come together and share a space where they can grow and learn together.

So, if you have any other sisters that you think would be interested in this guide them please share this email with them as the more of us that can tap into the healing energies of the Moon the better. Plus it's fun to gather with our like-minded friends and family and create moon rituals together, whether that's sharing a meditation or perhaps sitting outside with a fire!


Another way you can begin to work with the moon is by joining my FREE Sisters of the Moon Facebook community, a group for conscious & spiritually minded women who are open to the working with the powerful energies of the moon, yoga & spirituality to awaken, transform & come back home to yourself.

The group is getting a revamp this month and I will be relaunching it with a Free Masterclass to support you to live your best life through the moon. So make sure you add yourself to the group to keep updated on when this will go live.

I know people have messaged me to say they are not on Facebook so I am also looking at ways to create a private online group through my website.

Sending you lots of Spring New Moon blessings for your intentions.

Until next time.

Much Love, Light & Gratitude



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